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Join the Greenville Chapter

Please note that by filling out this application, then you will be charged a one-time $200 application fee plus the monthly or annually membership dues.  If your application is not able to be confirmed, then the charges will be refunded to your credit card.

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Our Sponsorss

To become or to learn more about our Sponsors, please email:

About the ING

The Industrial Network Group is an exclusive group of industrial professionals with chapters located throughout the United States.     

The purpose of every ING chapter is to execute the following for our members:

# 1) Build the Members' Network.

# 2) Improve Members' Sales Skills.

# 3) Increase Members' knowledge of active industrial projects in the      member's area.

Why the ING

The Industrial Network Group is the only networking group with a sole focus on the industrial market.  We believe the opportunity to join a chapter and to develop close relationships with other industrial professionals is priceless! We have 3 core beliefs on why you should join the ING:

# 1) To increase your sales force - not your payroll.

# 2) Have the ability to offer more solutions to your customer.

#3) Members have no competitors within their chapter.


For More Information:        

P.O. Box 334 Reidville, South Carolina 29375

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